Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hi Joyce,

Thanks for sending along Lambs for Dinner. I read it over the weekend, and wanted to get back to you with my thoughts.

There's some good, smooth prose in these pages - in fact, the quality of writing is better than most of the material that crosses my desk. I also thought these pages had a good narrative pace, and that there was a solid sense of tension throughout. It's with real regret, then, that I must admit that I ultimately didn't fall in love with the manuscript as much as I had hoped. Perhaps part of the problem is that, while there were things about Skye and Drew I admired, the characters never felt quite authentic to me. They didn't come alive as fully realized, multi-dimensional protagonists in my mind, and, as a result, I found it tough to become fully invested in the story. Joyce, in spite of this manuscript's strengths, I'd better pass. I suspect that, based on my above reservations, I just wouldn't be the best advocate for the project.

Thanks so much for contacting me, though, and for giving me this opportunity. It is much appreciated, and I'm sorry to be passing. This is such a subjective business - I'm sure another agent will be a better fit! I wish you all the very best of luck in your search for representation.

Thanks again, and have a very happy holiday and new years, Andrea

Andrea Somberg
Harvey Klinger Inc.
300 W. 55th St., Suite 11V

New York, NY 10019
T: 212.581.7068
F: 212.315.3823